NYCC 2014 Cosplay Gallery By FirstPerson Shooter – Friday

Haruvamp and Dollicious cosplay
While DragonCon in Atlanta is probably the East Coast’s premier cosplay convention, New York Comic Con has to be pretty close in terms of numbers when you consider how much larger the overall attendance is (officially DragonCon was 62,000 this year and NYCC was approximately 140,000 last year).
We are lucky to have five talented photographers on the scene this weekend at the Javits Center, so expect to see all sorts of galleries and photo shoot sets coming in the next few days and weeks. But first up is my gallery from Friday. Among the many great cosplayers are Jonny Ruckus Cosplay, Kayla Ann Cosplay, Micro Kitty Cosplay and the amazing armor-making goddess, Kamui Cosplay.
Oh, and don’t forget to check out what might be my favorite cosplay of the day, Broberyn Martell. Just remember to let the page load — there are more than 120 pictures in the gallery.