NYCC 2014 Cosplay Gallery By FirstPerson Shooter – Sunday

Sunday at New York Comic Con 2014 was nearly as busy as Saturday and seemingly more crowded than Friday. Among the cosplayers in this gallery are Micro Kitty Cosplay as Clara Oswald, Stella Chuu and Olivia Chiu as the Jawbreakers from the new Batgirl series, Miss Gidget as evil Ryu, and Liana Richardson Cosplay as armored Ariel.
Also in the gallery are one shot each from the set I shot of KO Cosplay as Black Canary, and then Riddle as Harley Quinn. You can see more of those shots when the video interviews go live.
Some of my favorite cosplays from Sunday were the spot-on Rick from Season 3 of The Walking Dead, and The excellent Shiba siblings, Tatsuya and Miyuki, from the anime The Irregular at Magic High School.
Once you have looked over these pictures, check out the Friday gallery, and Saturday, Part 1 and Part 2.