National Siblings Day Retrospective Gallery

There were a surprisingly large number of photos of fictional siblings to pick from when I started assembling the gallery to recognize that today is National Siblings Day (shout out to my three). This gallery of more than 180 images would be much bigger if I hadn’t placed restrictions on what to include. So, there are almost no shots with anyone but the siblings in it. No Team Rocket with any grunts, no Thor and Loki with Odin, and so on.
Oh, and no large groups of Love Live! idols, because while the odds are that it would include a pair of sisters, I couldn’t be sure without taking the time to inspect every character in each group — and then try to match up the sisters I might know with the crazy outfits they’re wearing from some single event in a game version of the anime. I’m pulling together a photo gallery, not researching a dissertation. I made an exception to that rule with Game of Thrones characters, because I rarely took photos of any siblings without other characters in the shot.
That said, this gallery includes all kinds of fictional siblings, from step-siblings such as Shiro and Sora from No Game, No Life to half-siblings such as Polaris and Scarlet Witch to adopted siblings such as Thor and Loki. Not included in this are pairs or groups that refer to themselves as siblings out of convenience, in particular the member of the Lustrous from Land of the Lustrous. Their origins and relationships are confusing, and not all of them think of the whole group as siblings. Also, no clones. While a clone is genetically no different than an identical twin, the nature of its conception and different gestational environment makes it something other than a sibling I think.
And no real siblings, unless they happen to cosplay fictional siblings, as is the case with the awesome emu.cabbage.cosplay, who more often than not cosplays with her brother as siblings, such as Katara and Sokka from Avatar: The Last Airbender. I am also confident that I have missed many siblings, either from not recognizing the characters, or not knowing enough about the fandom. I couldn’t tell you who is related to whom, if anyone, in Homestuck, for example.
Among the cosplayers in this gallery are Kurious Costumes, Wonderllama Photography, Snide Cosplay, Ember Jay Cosplay, Mhysa Cosplay, wmoskaluk3, Nicole Marie Jean, BelleChere, Lucky Grim Creative, Cowbutt Crunchies Cosplay, Cassadilla Cosplay, Dollilicious, Roxas Paige, J. Jester cosplay, teragarm, princessgigglesnort, Mini Mal Cosplay, Inevitable Betrayal Cosplay, savage83, LeeLeetheBunny, khaleesidani, glassarrow917, Locomania22, maleficentxv, Chocobobutt, pbpuffs_cosplay, sadmcnult, Multitudes Cosplay, harleyharhar, Kaylaina Cosplay, Sith Lantern Cosplay, Stolen Soul Photography, smoochum302, 24aphillips, ohjennabates, hannibananicosplay, grainne_sea, earlsgrey, Not Quite Done Yet Cosplay, Red Robyn Cosplay, tarachu, HaruVamp, Contradan Cosplay, thatgirlerin, attackmodejoe, DestinyNickelsen, Allayed Cosplay, Silhouette Cosplay, Lady Mana, nevaeh_purefoy, Closer2u, emmadilemma06, thecalicoqueen, Kitsune Kid, Byndo Gehk, cream.puff.cosplay, and many more.
We now use Smugmug to present cosplay photo galleries and will post all photos there, with a link to each gallery in its own gallery article. This will allow us to give you higher resolution images to download — still for free.
To view the entire gallery, just click on the image below. If you are pictured in any of our galleries, feel free to download the images and use them non-commercially on social media, with appropriate credit.
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