Anime Boston 2019 Friday Gallery Part 4 by FirstPerson Shooter

Rounding out my Friday galleries from Anime Boston 2019 we see an example of one of my favorite new trends, even if it isn’t anime — cosplay from the Umbrella Academy series on Netflix. Another cosplay trend I saw a lot of that weekend which is straight from anime was cosplay from The Promised Neverland. If you haven’t been watching that amazing anime, you should, and soon.
Of course, the overwhelmingly popular cosplay was still My Hero Academia, and it is well represented int his gallery, as in almost all of the galleries from this recent AB.
Among the cosplayers in this gallery are, paintedladycosplay, Contradan Cosplay, Neria Elm, finnyoak, amaranthinebunny, myshonokx, Assassin’s Fate Cosplay, kalamitycosbae, cosbaebecca, brocody7, Wolf Dreamer Cosplay, maykacosplay, Blue Eyed Fairy Cosplay and More, harleyinthebox, Mackle Cosplays, bad.n.bouchie.cosplay, cryptid_punk, fricklefracklemarco, starlenia, locknkeycosplay, loafeofcosplay, AkaneSaotome, Linda Devastation, Qilin Cosplay, Blossoming Cosplay, Zungie, Shin-Ryuu Cosplay, renwutai, shinylikethesun, lolsnappycat, itsallnegan, Aqua Thunder Arts, francylina, barbiegirl114170, dustyburrito, reicheru_cosplay, Super Savage, and many more.
We now use Smugmug to present cosplay photo galleries and will post all photos there, with a link to each gallery in its own gallery article. This will allow us to give you higher resolution images to download — still for free.
To view the entire gallery, just click on the image below. If you are pictured in any of our galleries, feel free to download the images and use them non-commercially on social media, with appropriate credit.