Anime Boston 2019 Saturday Gallery Part 2 by FirstPerson Shooter

On a typical Saturday at Anime Boston at which we have a table promoting our Cosplay And Photography Expo, I find that it becomes more difficult than other days to call out to awesome cosplayers passing by. The crowds in the hall are so noisy and dense that there’s just no way to shout over them to get the attention of someone on the other side of the hallway, even though it’s only 20-30 feet or so away.
So I usually anticipate getting no more photos on Saturday than I do on Friday. And while the crowds were just as big for Anime Boston 2019 as previous years, I managed to get enough shots for five galleries instead of the four from Friday.
Among the cosplayers in this second of five galleries from Saturday are knitnakcosplay, kupokyle_cosplay, ladycorvid.cosplay, misslead88, Everyone’s Hero Cosplay, x.andrewmaher, angetastic24, calistacosplay, gracedbycosplay, Khepera Cosplay, six.pistols, fuku_wenting, DoodnCoovoo Cosplay, By The Outsider Cosplay, outofthetidepoolstudios, White Fang Cosplay, strictlycosplay, The Masked Optician, Spoon Makes, like_rabbits_cosplay, Bunny Moon Cosplay, EllyStar Cosplay, kalamitycosbae, cosbaebecca, Mackle Cosplays, bad.n.bouchie.cosplay, Black Cat Comics Cosplay, Space Kitten Cosplay, and many more.
We now use Smugmug to present cosplay photo galleries and will post all photos there, with a link to each gallery in its own gallery article. This will allow us to give you higher resolution images to download — still for free.
To view the entire gallery, just click on the image below. If you are pictured in any of our galleries, feel free to download the images and use them non-commercially on social media, with appropriate credit.