Anime Boston 2023 Saturday Cosplay Gallery By Samie Wong

Saturday at Anime Boston 2023 was, in no uncertain terms, packed. I have heard from an inside source that Saturday set a single-day turnstile record for the Hynes Convention Center — more people coming into the facility than any previous day on record. This is unconfirmed, but from someone with knowledge of the matter, as they say in the mainstream media.
Late morning and mid-afternoon I managed to get out of the Photo HQ room to take some hall cosplay photos and some requested behind-the-scenes shots for PR purposes. I can confirm that my impression was that Saturday was one of the most crowded days I’ve seen at any Anime Boston. The first-floor windowed hallway was busy, even though there was no panel room that attendees might have needed to get into — it was almost all staff-only rooms. Even more so, the second and particularly the third-floor windowed hallways were loaded with attendees, a significant portion of which were in cosplay.
Of course, I ran into dozens of cosplayers I know, and had fun catching up with them and taking their photos. I also just randomly ran into a friend I haven’t seen in person for almost a decade. I was standing near the escalator on the second floor looking at some photos I had just taken of someone cosplaying as Vash from the new reboot anime Trigun Stampede, when someone said, “Hey, Rodney!” It was Sweet Sensation Photo, who has been living in Atlanta for at least the past eight years, which was the last time I saw her. What a great bit of pure luck, and a great time catching up.
While I was doing all that, Samie of samiewongphotos was moving around the Hynes taking more hall cosplay photos. Her Saturday gallery, linked below, has just under 100 images.
Among the cosplayers in this gallery are kumaquatjean, pixiedane, Moonie Warrior Cosplay, foreversharingains, animesuckx, papaya.blossom.cosplay, badsheepcosplay, vulpirecosplay, hailiumworkshop, duske2dawne, zimmermanjoe21, yueryder, gracedbycosplay, thekuroonavirus, maskedsaiyancosplay, and many more.
We use Smugmug to present cosplay photo galleries and post all photos there, with a link to each gallery in its own gallery article. This allows us to give you higher resolution images to download — still for free.
To view the entire gallery, just click on the image below. If you are pictured in any of our galleries, feel free to download the images and use them non-commercially on social media, with appropriate credit.
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