Anime Boston 2024 Friday Gallery Part 2 By FirstPerson Shooter

As Friday of Anime Boston 2024 continued, I was getting the impression that it was going to be a busy weekend. The long lines of people waiting to get into the showrooms, the buildups of crowds at chokepoints, and the fact that I had just enough downtime between taking pictures to hit the men’s room or chat for a few minutes with friends made me think that attendance was close to pre-pandemic levels. That impression was confirmed when I found out that pre-registration hit 24,000 people — close to the convention’s all-time record.
Mid-afternoon, I realized I hadn’t eaten anything all day. So in one of those break moments, I hit the nearest food station and bought a pre-made cheeseburger. After the amazing “naanwich” I had at PAX East, it was a great disappointment. Clearly, despite the fact that both the BCEC and the Hynes are managed by the Massachusetts Convention Center Authority, they have completely different capabilities. Weirdly enough, almost every aspect of the cheeseburger was at least decent — thick patty, melty cheese and a full springy bun that had not been compressed into a mush cracker. And yet it tasted slightly better than eating the wrapping paper it was in.
Oh, and if you are looking at the linked image below and thinking you are in the wrong gallery or I made a mistake, don’t worry — this is the second Forger family cosplay group from Friday, each with an age-accurate Anya.
Cosplayers in this second of three Friday galleries include aceofsnakes, lemon_squeetzy, the.real.arok, juliastuck, tdubs016, Saurian Warrior Cosplay, sorceress_triss, the__devil__you__know, gaijin_cosplays, rachael_cosplay, etherealamberr, Adventures of Clever, bad_phoenix_wolf, blossomingcosplay, a.mal.gam, slightecho_, jedi_janine, julieursuline, nanaskyes.__, zimmermanjoe21, cosbaebebe, setzzer52, colossal.manatee, Metallic Moon Cosplay, thelastdreamer1992, and more.
We now use Smugmug to present cosplay photo galleries and will post all photos there, with a link to each gallery in its own gallery article. This will allow us to give you higher resolution images to download — still for free.
To view the entire gallery, just click on the image below. If you are pictured in any of our galleries, feel free to download the images and use them non-commercially on social media, with appropriate credit.
If you like our work and want to show your appreciation, feel free to tip us at Ko-fi or become a patron on Patreon.
Also, High-res images for sale is back!
If you are pictured in any of our galleries and want the high-resolution (3200 pixels at its widest by 300dpi) download for yourself, we can make it available via a private Smugmug link, for $10 per image. Just send an email to editor AT Currently limited to only photos taken by FirstPerson Shooter (aka Rodney Brown).