Arisia 2024 Sunday Cosplay Gallery And Write-up

Sunday at Arisia 2024 brought more cosplayers to my table than on Saturday. Not a lot, maybe 8 percent more, but still, a better number than I anticipated. It makes sense though, since the Masquerade competition was Sunday night, which likely drew more cosplayers for competing and just viewing the competitors. Congratulations to my cosplaying friends who took home awards, including caniseeurmanager and Colonial Armory (both in the gallery linked below).
Also on Sunday I got to see examples of one of the many things I love about Arisia — obscure cosplay. I got a real kick out of sideeyebrigade’s Dennis Nedry from Jurassic Park, and Susan as Jayna of the Wonder Twins from Super Friends. Don’t get me wrong, I love seeing the more popular cosplay, from simple costumes to giant armor builds, but I get a real thrill when I see someone cosplaying a character you can’t imagine anyone ever wanting to, or a real nostalgia bomb from my childhood. I also get a second-hand thrill when someone is excited that I’m the first person to recognize their cosplay. That happened twice on Saturday. Once with the King Boo (aka Booette) and — shockingly — with the Gollum that is the featured image in yesterday’s article. How did so few get that?
Speaking of yesterday’s article, when I talked about the negative effects of a mask mandate on convention attendance in the U.S., I was simply stating an observable fact, not making a mission statement. I apologize for not making that clear. I still wear a mask most times when I am at a “masks encouraged” convention, when moving through crowds or standing in lines. I will remove it if I have a studio space and am seated more than six feet from where the cosplayer stands. But as soon as people encroach the space or I have to leave that space, the mask goes back on (exceptions for circle of trust friends who want hugs).
Another thing that is rare at conventions but a staple of Arisia is the Con Suite being open to all attendees. Yes folks, Arisia feeds you if you attend. Granted, its mostly snacks, but the con also has a solid selection of sodas, bottled waters and fruits. Unlike most years, I was able to (and remembered to, if I’m being honest) break away from the table long enough to get a bite for lunch both Saturday and Sunday.
(Edit: 1/19/202 at 5:50 p.m.) Below is a statement sent to me regarding the hotel situation for 2025 by the Arisia press liaison, who goes by the convention name Justin du couer:
“The Westin is not available for Arisia’s usual weekend in 2025. At this time, we are talking to both the Westin and other local hotels that do have availability MLK weekend. As we move quickly to identify a hotel for Arisia 2025 and consider future years, we’d like to include your needs, wants, and hopes for the future. Please take a moment to share your priorities and ideas at (survey closes 1/28). We will share updates as we have them!’
(Original paragraph) I am tracking down rumors (based on statements made during the Arisia Corporate meeting last weekend, according to multiple Facebook posters) that the Westin may not be the location of next year’s convention, and even the date of Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday holiday weekend may not be the date in 2025. If I hear back from the Arisia press liaison about this, I will update the article.
Among the cosplayers in the gallery are michelleclight, sarah_ann_mcginnis, namdipnp, theadmiralmb, _candy_mon_, deerprincesscosplay, Colonial Armory, starryazalea338, emilyhugsbug, marieofthemeadow, Carley Winn Cosplay, papaya.blossom.cosplay, cosplay_buttercup, honkhonkcosplay, ozbreton, caniseeurmanager, notoriousblk, Ketea Dances, makermage, ze_dok, sideeyebrigade, inevitablebetrayal, tiltawurl, heavenlysaturncosplay, Nerdcred Cosplay, vexbatch, auron12786, and many more.
We now use Smugmug to present cosplay photo galleries and will post all photos there, with a link to each gallery in its own gallery article. This will allow us to give you higher resolution images to download — still for free.
To view the entire gallery, just click on the image below. If you are pictured in any of our galleries, feel free to download the images and use them non-commercially on social media, with appropriate credit.
If you like our work and want to show your appreciation, feel free to tip us at Ko-fi or become a patron on Patreon.
Also, High-res images for sale is back!
If you are pictured in any of our galleries and want the high-resolution (3200 pixels at its widest by 300dpi) download for yourself, we can make it available via a private Smugmug link, for $10 per image. Just send an email to editor AT Currently limited to only photos taken by FirstPerson Shooter (aka Rodney Brown).