Cassadilla Cosplay’s Practical Gift Guide for Nerds, Part 2

Recently Cassadilla Cosplay posted on her personal page then her cosplay page a Gift Guide for practical, crafty and — of course — nerdy people. As soon as I read it I knew I wanted to post it here, as the suggestions are fun, creative and practical for just about anybody, not just nerds in your life.
The list is so long, however, that I have decided to break it up into multiple parts, with 12 items each. Right now that would make three lists, but Cass says she will keep adding to the total on her post, so I have no doubt it could go to four. Please check out Part One for the first dozen suggestions.
- Already used one of those trays (mentioned in item 12 in the last post – Ed.) for resin casting and now are bummed you can’t make chocolates? Womp womp. Use the tray to make resin casts and make them into magnets. Most folks can always use magnets. Just don’t give them stupid ones — no hearts for somebody who’d be like “uh… thanks” — but little lego dudes painted to look like them? Probably good for most folks.
- Do they love Cards Against Humanity? You can make a custom deck for them! Buy a blank deck from Crabs Adjust Humidity (and steal all the blank cards from their decks) and handwrite your own! There is a website with loads of cards made by folks from all over. Use sharpies so the ink doesn’t transfer. Add inside jokes, and the names of folks they typically play with (as well as their name) you can go crazy with this and it will last forever and be used a lot.
- A warm fuzzy blanket is always good. Make it yourself! Those no-sew fleece ones are good in theory, but the ones with the knots all over the edge are uncomfortable if you wanna tuck the edges under you, so a normal hem might be better. There are loads of unique fleece patterns out there, too.
- For cosplayers, a nice suitbag and sturdy hanger for each costume (that can fit) or custom drawstring bags for dyesubs — one for each suit with colors that match the suit, or the logo of the character.
- Also for cosplayers: these items are ALWAYS useful in both travel size and full size. A toiletries bag with mini versions of all these would be SO AWESOME for any cosplayer in your life: Flash tape, wrinkle release fabric refresher, febreze, lint rollers, mini sewing kit, super glue, bandaids, oil absorbing sheets, safety pins, wig caps, mini hairsprays,
- Know what sucks? Having to take off gloves to use your phone. This applies to cosplayers and folks who exist where the weather gets cold — there is conductive thread you can get and sew a little asterisk on the index finger of the gloves, or you can use the conductive paint and put a little dot. I wouldn’t just do this without asking — buy the thread or paint and give it with a card explaining what it is for.
- Jerky is good for everyone that isn’t a vegetarian. You can make jerky in the oven if you don’t have a dehydrator. There is such a thing as chicken jerky, too — so it doesn’t have to be made out of way-expensive steak.
- Oddball tools are good sometimes. Torx wrenches are used on a lot of small items and they are not something most people have, if you can make sure they don’t already own a set they can be a nice useful gift.
- For the propbuilding cosplayer, loads of stuff would be great. A sandpaper assortment, EVA foam, rigid insulation foam, mod podge, gesso, worbla, paintbrushes, rub-n-buff, sharpies in every size, fabric medium (makes acrylic paint into fabric paint), plasti-dip spray, and as listed above glues and dremel bits.
- Cookie dough. Portioned out into balls, frozen, and put into a plastic container with instructions on how to bake one or two at a time in a full oven or toaster oven.
- Pajamas are always useful. Make sure they are comfy and warm, they will be used forever. Make them yourself or buy them, either way PJs are PJs!
- Spice rubs are great gifts and are easily made at home with stuff you probably already have. Try to think of foods the person likes and that will help you figure out what kind of flavor profile to go with. Can be used on meats and veggies, too! Package it in a small jar and make sure you label it with some usage ideas.