Consent, Intent, and Problematic Convention Culture
I moderate and speak on panels a lot at professional writing, theater, TV, and fan events about many issues within...
I moderate and speak on panels a lot at professional writing, theater, TV, and fan events about many issues within...
Saturday night at the 15th annual Granite State Comicon, the event threw an after party at the nearby club Jewel. The theme...
At the beginning of Season Three of Rick and Morty, Rick goes on a dark rant about his obsession with...
A powerhouse group made up of ReedPOP, Keanu Reaves, other filmmakers and more have launched an initiative to help give Puerto Rico...
For the 15th annual Granite State Comic Con, I wanted to do something a bit different. Something fun and collaborative...
I recently had the opportunity to help out The For The Win Project. This project is near and dear to the...
My first introduction to Dragon Con had been an elevator saturated in vomit that had a distinct smell of sweet...
As Hurricane Harvey has finally wrapped up its rage in Texas and its neighboring states, Houston still continues to struggle...
The second gallery from the 2017 edition of the Cosplay And Photography Expo is by our volunteer photographer Caroline Belge Photography. They captured...
Our first gallery from the 2017 version of the Cosplay And Photography Expo, held this past weekend at the Holiday...