Anime ‘The 8th Son’ Is Better Than You Think
This season of anime has some highlights, such as Tower of God and ... OK, maybe nothing else aside from...
This season of anime has some highlights, such as Tower of God and ... OK, maybe nothing else aside from...
On our Nerd Week Live YouTube show Tuesday, April 21, we talked about Sony's plans to make a live action...
When I realized today was National Horny Day (it's a thing, here's the link) I of course thought to do...
Anyone familiar with GiveWave Studios knows the kind of creativity and craftsmanship Castro pours into his work. So it was...
This year I was lucky enough to be able to do a Valentine's Day photo shoot with the wonderful Jenevieve...
Happy New Year, folks! And a new year brings cool new opportunities, including our partnership with Anime Boston 2020. As...
Jake of Zephyrlynk Productions took advantage of some excellent late-day golden hour sunlight to capture a number of the images...
Jake of Zephyrlynk Productions finished shooting photos on Saturday of Holiday Matsuri 2019 late into the evening. He took the...
Jake of Zephyrlynk Productions continued shooting both indoors and outdoors midday to late afternoon on Saturday, taking advantage of the...
Saturday at Holiday Matsuri 2019 Jake of Zephyrlynk Productions spent some of the time outdoors, taking advantage of the fact...