ColossalCon East 2018 Cosplay Gallery Part 3

We now come to my final photo gallery from ColossalCon East 2018. These photos were taken on Saturday and Sunday at the convention.
As I mentioned in one of my previous articles, the convention unfortunately ended on a sour note on Sunday, as photography and cosplay props — which notably included a plastic goblet carried by Catherine Rose Cosplay — of any kind were suddenly banned from the water park at the Kalahari early on in the day.
I reached out to Donnell, the con head of ColossalCon East, after the convention with some questions regarding the controversy. Donnell started off by assuring me that the rumor that ColossalCon East’s contract with the Kalahari ended at noon on Sunday was false, pointing out that the convention had events running until 5 p.m. on Sunday.
In regards to the water park specifically, Donnell stated in his reply to me that “We don’t rent the waterpark during regular business hours but have a mix of formal and informal agreements on what will be permitted.” He went on to mention that the higher members of the Kalahari’s staff do not work on Sundays, and likely would not have agreed with the way things were handled.
I don’t wish to give the impression that the events that occurred on Sunday ruined the convention. Sunday is a short day anyways, as many attendees leave the convention early in the day to begin on what is a long journey home for many who come to ColossalCon East. I believe the convention as a whole was mostly enjoyable for the majority people that attended, but the debacle on Sunday left many of us with a bitter taste in our mouth, and gave us some trepidation about next year’s convention.
Looking toward the future, 2019 will be a pivotal year for ColossalCon East. The Kalahari has some aggressive plans for expansion of the venue, but these are not expected to be completed until after next year’s event. The convention is likely to continue to grow, and a smoothly run convention will be important to restore people’s faith in ColossalCon East and their relationship with the Kalahari, as the convention prepares to begin its next chapter.
Personally, I still very much look forward to next year’s event, and I wish for the day that I can once again excitedly and unabashedly ask every cosplayer I know “Are you going to ColossalCon East?”
Among the cosplayers in this gallery are Iridescence Rising Cosplay, Endless Dream Cosplay, Dynamic Duchess Cosplay, Alanaknightcosplay, Selina MooneCosplay, SecretKitten Cosplay, Mhysa Cosplay, Catherine Rose Cosplay, Hikaru Cosplay, Lyra Bird Cosplay, kyasarin.cosplay, em_mae_cos, cometbard, kananabread, gainaxbounce, deadbabyseals, cos_faye, minjakitty, _lovebiites, kawaiixkisses, and many more.
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If you are pictured in any of our galleries, feel free to download the images and use them non-commercially on social media, with appropriate credit.