Cromwell Historical Society’s Ball of the Rebellion

Every year the Cromwell Historical Society in Connecticut throws their Ball of the Rebellion. Gentlemen and ladies come from all over to dance, dine and socialize all in the fashion of the 1860s. For the past three years I’ve been in attendance and it is one of the highlights of my year. The Cromwell Historical Society does an amazing job of turning the gym of the Cromwell Town Hall into a historic ballroom. There are flags on the wall, beautiful plants, gorgeous lanterns and then there’s the food. During intermission, while the dancers take a breather, there are several long tables beautifully decorated with white tablecloths and silver platters. On the plates are little sandwiches, cookies, tarts, truffles and all sorts of delicious treats. While the dancers drink punch and sample the snacks there are speeches given by the reenacting community. Last year’s performance recreated a peace rally that happened in Connecticut in 1861.
Thomas White Hassler played the “Capitalist” who was against the war. He was interrupted by Mike Barlea and Barry Keenan who wanted to make the South pay for its treachery. The Historical Society also goes as far as to have each annual ball take place in each year of the 5 year cycle. This means this year will take place during an exciting time where both the North and South are looking to recruit more soldiers as enthusiasm for the war wanes while reality sets in.
If you are interested in attending this event for yourself, the dress code for this event is either modern prom attire or period costume. All ladies and gentlemen are required to wear gloves, for the safety of the historical costumes as well as to prevent the passing of germs. Some of the costumes are absolutely magnificent, and the people who wear them are usually veterans of the event and open to sharing information about their attire, helping you with dance steps or informing you on historical etiquette.
The music is all period, as well as the dances. The troupe the historical society hires to play the music and teach the dances is called “Spare Parts”and they do an amazing job. Each dance is laid out step by step, then put to music so even people who are not skilled at dancing (like myself) are able to keep up.
This event is a magical break from the 21st century. I can’t recommend it enough and I’m greatly looking forward to attending this year. For all you boys out there this is the ultimate romantic date. Don’t miss out on the chance to dress up your companion and take her back in time. If you’ve seen Doctor Who, you know what time travel does to the ladies.
Information about the ball can be found here:
Juleps & Viragoes 5th annual Ball of the Rebellion – Saturday the 21st of April, 2012
The ticket price is $25 per person and keep checking the website for sign up or email the historical society and they’ll mail you a ticket. The address for the town hall is 43 West Street, Cromwell CT.