DC Comics Saying Goodbye to Gotham, Moving to Sunny Burbank

A rumor that has been circulating since this morning has apparently been confirmed — DC Comics will pull up stakes and move the whole operation from New York City to the DC Entertainment offices in Burbank, Calif.
According to the site HollywoodReporter.com, the rumor was confirmed when DC Entertainment president Diane Nelson sent out an email to staff stating that the move would happen in 2015. There seems to be some confusion about if there will be layoffs, though.
Many people in the comic book industry expressed support on Twiiter for those facing layoffs, icluding Warren Ellis, as you can see below.
Luck to all the NYC DC Comics people who will be losing their jobs, and to all the DC Comics people who now have to live in fucking Burbank
— Warren Ellis (@warrenellis) October 29, 2013
But in the email, Nelson says everyone would be offered a position in Burbank.
Everyone on the New York staff will be offered an opportunity to join their Burbank colleagues and those details will be shared with you individually, comprehensively and thoughtfully next week.
Does this mean that DC is going to make a stronger commitment to movies, now that it will be based much closer to its parent Warner Bros.? Many fingers are crossed out there in the DC fandom, I bet.