DragonCon 2015 Cosplay Gallery, FPS – Saturday 3 of 3

Up now is the last of three galleries from Saturday of DragonCon. Coming up will be at least three more from FirstPerson Shooter of Sunday and Monday, and one of Bentpic5’s shots from Sunday.
In this set you can find pics of Gogo Incognito as Cersei Lannister, Miss Kit Quinn and SoloRoboto Industries as Kate Bishop and Hawkeye, and some of my favorites from the con — Kang and Immortus, and a spot on original Barnabas Collins.
Photo gallery tips: Once the page loads the images, you will see the Forward and Back navigation arrows above the image, in case you want to scroll faster than the preset. And to see the entire gallery as thumbnails, click on the gray four-box square next to the navigation arrows. And when you are done with these pics, check out the first and the second gallery from Saturday, part one, part two and the third part of my Friday galleries, Bentpic5’s gallery from Thursday, from Friday and Saturday, and my gallery from Thursday.