E3 2015 Wishlist: Sony

Probably the most successful console in the console race, the PlayStation 4 is leaps and bounds ahead of its opposition. During its second year the PS4 is easily winning this console war. Whether that’s due to its E3 showing in 2013, gaining the edge due to Microsoft’s mistakes, or a dedicated fan base, you cannot argue with the sales numbers.
However that doesn’t mean they are safe. While Bloodbourne is a phenomenal exclusive and it is keeping a lot of Sony fans happy, one game is not enough to hold the lead. Sony is happy that Destiny and The Last Of Us Remastered are helping keep the console ahead of the pack, but it is time for something new to showcase the console.
One title I am very excited to see more of is No Man’s Sky (the featured image above). What started as an indie game seems to have blown up to a what appears as a first-party title. While offering a unique gameplay style, No Man’s Sky players will explore an ever-expanding universe. As a timed exclusive it will come out on PS4 first, then later on to Microsoft PC. This game impressed me heavily last year, I want to see more so hopefully there is a good presentation of it.
In a huge shocker, Capcom announced that Street Fighter V is in development. Even more surprising is that the title is going to be a Playstation exclusive. This is probably due to the fact Killer Instinct has been so popular and profitable for the Xbox One, that Sony needed something to compete with it. This was first tested out with Guilty Gear Xrd — while the game is not bad and is a well-developed fun game, the appeal wasn’t there for some. So why not have the fighting game giant elusively on your side? Capcom went out on a limb and said a few years back that Street Fighter V would not happen for years. So with Sony now fronting the money for it, after five different versions of Street Fighter 4, SF5 is finally happening. I gotta say gameplay looks great for such an early development time. I am so curious to see more gameplay, and breakdowns of the game, so hopefully there is a showing of Street Fighter V at E3.

Square Enix announced that Final Fantasy Versus XIII has been turned into Final Fantasy XV after almost nine years. This is a little unsettling for me personally, but it made a lot of fans happy so I guess that’s a success. Getting a small taste earlier this year as a demo, I got to play a little bit of it, and while the game felt really early in development, I will say it feels like a Final Fantasy game. But I feel that a game in development for such a long time should be a lot more completed, even if it’s a demo. Maybe I am being too harsh, maybe they restarted development. Hopefully it is more impressive this year, if it is even shown at E3.
Not only was Final Fantasy XV announced but the long awaited Kingdom Hearts III was finally announced to the fans who have been demanding the game for such a long time. While various Kingdom Hearts games have been coming out, a legit sequel to KH2 was in high demand for a long time. While I have not played any of the KH games I would like to believe something will be shown of the game at E3, but I do not expect it to come out anytime soon. My guess is a potential time frame of release will be announced, but that is a huge maybe.
While having all these outside games are great, Sony has a huge line up of characters that have made their home on their consoles throughout the years. Me personally, I would die if a A new Sly Cooper game was announced. Now, Spoiler Alert, at the end to Thieves in Time, Sly Cooper is missing, and the end credits scene shows him in Ancient Egypt. So a sequel to Thieves in Time would be awesome. The Sly Cooper series have been some of my favorite games to come out and in my opinion one of Sony’s greatest characters to come out of the PS2 life cycle, along with Ratchet and Clank, and Jak and Daxter. So a new Sly title would make me die of happiness, especially after how amazing Thieves in Time was.
Speaking of Jak and Daxter, I feel it is time for a new Jak & Daxter game. Not something gimmicky like Daxter, or Lost Frontier. And not that Jak X wasn’t a pretty good game. But I would love to see them go back to the formula that made the original trilogy one of the best PS2 series of games. I personally would love to see those two precursor heroes back in action.
Speaking of PS2 era, maybe it is time for a new God Of War title. What they can do with the story that hasn’t been done before I am not so sure. But maybe it’s time to put Kratos back into action in some way. Same goes for Ratchet & Clank. Not remastered versions of previous games, but whole new games for these cast of characters may give the PS4 some extra ammo in the console war.
Sadly being pushed to next year is Uncharted 4. Thought it may have been pushed back to next year, it still doesn’t stop the game from being shown off. Uncharted is easily one the best series of games to come out for the PS3, and possibly one the best games of that generation. So Sony will definitely make this title have a presence at E3.
Sony does have the most potential for new titles, but I feel despite that, if Sony wants to make any lasting impressions for their brand at E3 they need to show something big. At this point the only game that comes to mind is The Last Guardian. The game has been in development since 2007, and was going to launch on the Playstation 3. Now the title is still in development. At this point I am more concerned than happy. Because I can think of two other situations in which a game was in development for this long and then came out as complete garbage — Duke Nukem Forever and Aliens: Colonial Marines. So I would much rather hear that the game is still on course and something is shown to easily back that up, or that the game is officially canceled.
With all this said my hopes for Sony is that they show their strengths and use this press conference to show just what exactly they can do to hold on to their console wars lead.