Fan Expo Boston 2019 Gallery By FirstPerson Shooter, Friday Part 2
In its third year after the acquisition of Boston Comic Con and move to the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center, Fan Expo Boston was mostly a smoother operation than in 2018 or in its shakedown cruise year 2017. That is, with one exception — the badge activation system.
Fan Expo Boston wanted people to go to a website and fill out a form for activating the RFID badge. For those that purchased tickets in advance on GrowTix, it was suggested this was not a requirement but a good idea as only activated badges would be replaced if lost. But everyone I spoke to was told that activation was required, not just suggested. We didn’t experience that since we had Exhibitor badges.
Either way, it didn’t seem to negatively affect the number of attendees. While everyone commented on how less crowded even Saturday seemed, I shot more photos in our studio booth than any previous Saturday. And other people I talked to who had booths said the same thing — it seemed less crowded but they were much busier.
Cosplayers in this second of three galleries from Friday include Chantel Marie – Cosplay, calistacoryn, Thatch Cosplay, Kelly Green, Jinx Martel, lostsanitycosplays, hail_rosequartz, caswellincostume, midsummer_moon_cosplay, chi_505, _good_cereal_, big_rob_cosplayz, Clillith cosplay, cubseidl, Black Cat Comics Cosplay, iameenae, Brandon the Shapeshifter, Jessica Leigh, and many more.
We now use Smugmug to present cosplay photo galleries and will post all photos there, with a link to each gallery in its own gallery article. This will allow us to give you higher resolution images to download — still for free.
To view the entire gallery, just click on the image below. If you are pictured in any of our galleries, feel free to download the images and use them non-commercially on social media, with appropriate credit.