Fan Expo Philadelphia Writeup And Gallery, Part 1

On May 3-5, 2024 Fan Expo Philadelphia returned to the Pennsylvania Convention Center. This is Fan Expo’s third annual show in Philadelphia after their acquisition of six events from Wizard World in 2021.
Fan Expo events are known for bringing in a host of celebrity guests, and this year’s show in Philadelphia was no different. Stars of television and cinema at this year’s show included Hayden Christensen, Rosario Dawson, Chevy Chase, Rainn Wilson, Marisa Tomei, Danny Trejo, Ian Ousley, Dallas Liu, Elizabeth Yu, Maria Zhang, and Adam Savage.
There were also numerous video game and animated series voice actors in attendance including Neil Newbon, Cameron Monaghan, Charles Martinet, Steve Downes, Jen Taylor, Ashley Eckstein, Dee Bradley Baker, Matt Lanter, and James Arnold Taylor.
The show also featured cosplay guests including Jen Markham, Sameer Tikka Masala, Shannon Noelle Cosplay, and Sir Julius Cosplay. The Community Zone area featured booths run by local groups and organizations including The Philadelphia Avengers, The Amazing Spiderlings, Garrison Carida, The Philadelphia Ghostbusters, Mid-Atlantic Droid Builders, and Hive76.
Fans at the show also enjoyed many hours of panels and programming presented by Fan Expo, covering a wide variety of topics and fandoms including comics, anime, cosplay, art, gaming, movies, and more. Some of the celebrities and voice actors in attendance also hosted panels, giving fans a rare chance to ask questions about their careers.
Other attractions and entertainment at the show included the Fan Expo Philadelphia Cosplay Craftsmanship Cup, a Japanese arcade, an Itasha car exhibit, a maid cafe, and much more.
All said, this appeared to be another very successful Fan Expo event. I attended two of the three days of the convention (Saturday and Sunday), and while I can’t cite any specific attendance numbers since the show apparently does not disclose that information, I can safely say that attendance at this year’s show was at least on par with the previous year. The show floor was absolutely bustling with activity on Saturday, and while it wasn’t quite as busy on Sunday, there were still plenty of fans in attendance.
Fan Expo Philadelphia will return to the City of Brotherly Love on May 16-18, 2025.
Cosplayers in this first of two galleries include eman7673, arelivale, costumedork, birddperson, head2442, patriciakashek, nikkigeeks, rnfit25, scottyb_cosplay, ji_eunie, amomentofmagictempleu, ty_to_wild, legendreycosplay, birrd.upp, xx.cherryluv, thesuperboy00 and many more.
We now use Smugmug to present cosplay photo galleries and will post all photos there, with a link to each gallery in its own gallery article. This will allow us to give you higher resolution images to download — still for free.
To view the entire gallery, just click on the image below. If you are pictured in any of our galleries, feel free to download the images and use them non-commercially on social media, with appropriate credit.
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