Fan Expo Philadelphia Writeup And Gallery, Part 2

I’ll begin this, my second and final article on Fan Expo Philadelphia 2024, by discussing some room for improvement regarding the convention. I’ll preempt this by stating that there were not any major problems or shortcomings of the convention that would make me not attend in the future. That said, there’s always room for improvement for any event no matter how big or small it is.
Fan Expo’s show hours were 4-9pm on Friday for general attendees, and 2-9pm for fans who purchased 3-day passes and other premium badge types. While I’m not against extra hours for certain badge types, I think it should be done in such a way that makes it a bonus for a normal length day of events. Considering the Friday hours, I would say this is more a situation of making a short day not quite as short. I can’t see any reason for a fan that wants to attend the show for a single day to purchase a Friday badge over a Saturday or Sunday badge, unless they are absolutely unable to attend for one of the other days. Attendance has always been high on Saturday at the show, so extending Friday hours could perhaps make attendance at the con a bit less lopsided, and ease congestion on the show floor on Saturday a bit.
I found the show floor to be quite crowded during Saturday to the point where it was a bit uncomfortable at times, and a number of other attendees I spoke to mentioned that they felt the same way. The convention is not currently using the entire venue, so utilizing more space is an option for show management. While I understand they may want to wait until the convention grows a bit more before making that investment, I hope that measure has been considered and is planned to be a part of the event’s not too distant future.
The show schedule listed numerous cosplay meetups to be held in a “cosplay photo park” area. I searched high and low for this area, and all I found was a single backdrop in a less than ideal spot in the venue. Cosplay meetups are a popular part of conventions, and I’d like to see some more effort made into hosting these meetups in a larger, more practical area of the venue.
As I previously stated, I don’t consider any of these issues to be extremely concerning, but they are definitely areas that could use a bit of improvement. Fan Expo Philadelphia appears to be a popular convention that I believe will only grow in the future, and I would love to see some of these things be addressed to improve the experience for the thousands in attendance at future events.
Among the cosplayers in this final gallery are poison_bats, vgstallion, joekleinkauf, jennyjuiceboxxx7, illadelphia_graphics_215, redheadnet_, tayparkerr01, xnewyorksmittyx, b_eva_mor, markopoloohwellyolo, asc_jkenn, scottyb_cosplay, purejoycosplay, raphaelzirion, mrsbatwonder518, big_daddy_cosplay, LadyJ_Cosplay, starlightgoddess_cosplay and many more.
We now use Smugmug to present cosplay photo galleries and will post all photos there, with a link to each gallery in its own gallery article. This will allow us to give you higher resolution images to download — still for free.
To view the entire gallery, just click on the image below. If you are pictured in any of our galleries, feel free to download the images and use them non-commercially on social media, with appropriate credit.
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