Flapper Korra by MakeupMermaid22 at AAC 2017!

Although her series has been off the air for a couple of years, the avatar Korra is still a popular character for people to cosplay at conventions, and Another Anime Convention was no exception. This flapper-era version by makeupmermaid22, however, was certainly unique.
Not only did Sarah mix the traditional look of Korra with a spot-on flapper outfit and hairstyle, she even had her own bending effects. In this featured set she chose to use water and air, but she also had fire (and maybe earth but I didn’t see that one).
In addition to being a cosplayer doing characters from Disney, anime and comics, Sarah is also a mermaid, and has some underwater shots on her Instagram page.
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High-res images for sale!
If you are pictured in any of our galleries and want the high resolution download for yourself, we can make it available via a private, password-protected link, for $8 per image. Just send an email to editor AT nerdcaliber.com.
We are also now selling high resolution images of some of the photos taken of cosplayers that have agreed to let us do so. To see the 50 or so images we have available to download for a mere $8 each, go to our Anime Boston 2016 sales gallery and our brand new Spring Super Megafest 2016 sales gallery.