Florida Anime Experience 2012 Review

(Editor’s Note: To view Kenneth Davis’ awesome FAE cosplay pictures, click here.)
If you are reading this then chances are you had already seen my review of last year’s FAE. To sum up it up, there were a few problems that are typically expected of a con in its first year and while it wasn’t particularly terrible it was a little dull. Now with a new venue, better advertising, and with their guest of honor being Terri Hawkes, how does it compare?
Arriving on Friday, I found the venue easily accessible and parking wasn’t a problem. This was a great relief in comparison to my last convention MomoCon. However like last year I was forced to pick up my badge before even being allowed into the area where the convention was being held. Fortunately the registration area in the hotel lobby was connected to the convention center. I also noticed quite a few cosplayers would hang out in this area from time to time including a photographer I knew who didn’t want to buy a pass.
Stepping inside the convention center I noticed the area seemed a lot smaller than last year. It was like a little hallway. The dealers room was probably one of the smallest I had seen in a while, estimating about eight to ten dealers. It had your standard pocky, ramune, and DVDs. There were some neat wallscrolls including a touhou one I was very tempted to grab. The artist alley was also around this number, but crammed into a tiny little room. There was also the main events room, two panel rooms, one viewing room, a tea room, and the video game room.
The video game room was a huge improvement over last year’s. While the theme was still “JAPAN ONLY” they included more familiar games such as Super Mario Bros and Dance Dance Revolution. There was also more of a selection. Oddly, the most popular game was Gal Gun which was crowded with people just as it was last year. There were also tournaments for some of the games such as FamiCon Ice Hockey and Tobal 2. One of the tournaments I entered (Famicon Pro Wrestling) was pretty funny, because me and everyone else never really quite figured out the controls.
Attendance-wise this was also marginally better. For cosplayers FAE offered an onsite photographer for attendees to get studio photos on all three days. As far as locations for photos around the con they were rather scarce. Some of the cosplay was better quality than last year as well. In honor of Terri Hawkes, many attendees cosplayed from Sailor Moon. In fact, it appears several people attended the convention for the sole purpose of seeing her. Some attendees claimed to have traveled from Atlanta, Virginia, and even Canada.
Speaking of Terri Hawkes, all of her events and signings were easily the most popular of the con. For example, her first autograph signing ended with many people not able to get an autograph. Several people continued to wait in line anyway for her second autograph signing which wasn’t until 4 hours later.
When it came to some of the other events I attended, it felt like there were a few organization problems. The Animusical Idol event for example was entertaining until they started announcing the winners. Two of the contestants who dressed up from My Little Pony were disqualified on stage due to their costumes not being anime related. Following this I had asked the two contestants if they were told this during prejudging and they both told me they had no idea that they would get disqualified. On top of that, it appears the rules on their website fail to mention this even though songs that are not related to anime are allowed to be performed.
The costume contest was improved, but also had its share of problems. First off the prizes were a lot better. Last year, people were given random items such as figurines but this year people were given items such as passes to Sea World and Medieval Times. However, the first problem came after contestants took the stage. It appears that two of the four judges were also the guest voice actors who were not available during prejudging. This lead to the convention staff having to buy time, tell stories and ask attendees questions until the judges came to a decision. Since there were a good amount of categories, many contestants walked away with something. There was some talk on the internet after the con that one of the winners had entered with a bought costume.
The crossplay contest was interesting, having never attended one before and was a little curious as to how it was judge. While the winners did have the best likeliness, they did not really have the most sophisticated craftsmanship either.
The Cosplay Contest (Skit Contest) on Sunday was eh… perhaps I am not the best to judge not being into skits. I think it only lasted half an hour. I stepped out 10 minutes into it and then by the time I came back they were already announcing winners.
Some other noteworthy events I enjoyed included the AMV contest, K-POP Break Dance, Anime Name That Tune, AnimeOpoly and Sailor Scout Puppet Making! There was Sailor Moon Yoga which unfortunately I chose not to attend being in costume. Since it was a closed doors event I also couldn’t get any coverage. I also attended “The DOS and DON’TS of Cosplaying for Girls (with Cosplay Deviants)”. Being a photographer I am always curious about the female perspective. Most of it was common sense to me, but imperative guidelines for other people nonetheless. Cosplay Deviants were also holding a special event on Saturday night which I had to skip out on. The rave was better than last year’s.
Many conventions lately have attempted to incorporate some type of manga room or maid café. FAE attempts a different approach to this with their tea room. You pick which tea you would like and take your seat at some Japanese-style tables. While waiting, some options were offered which weirdly included… American board games? The tea was pretty awesome though.
As far as some of the other events the con offered they were… eh. Honestly some of what the con had to offer in this area didn’t really appeal to me and it felt like there were times where there wasn’t really anything to do. According to other people I talked to they felt the same way.
Despite occasional moments of boredom, FAE always offered a friendly atmosphere whether it was through its staff or attendees. The con never particularly felt crowded, but it never really felt empty either with a modest attendance number and its small intimate venue. While there was definitely some fun inside the con there were also fun just lounging around and being in the lobby just outside of the con. Speaking of the lobby it also featured a karaoke bar that was open on Friday night. I saw several cosplayers just hanging out, playing pool, or partaking in it.
Overall FAE entering its second year still has some growing to do, but it managed to marginally improve following its second year. Some of the problems from last year were addressed, but there were some new ones along the way. I also like that the staff was open to suggestions and ideas. In the end I had a fun time, and met some cool people. However unless you really wanted to see their guest voice actors I am not sure if traveling as far as out of state would be worth it quite yet. While Terri Hawkes probably had a large hand in the boost in the attendance it is up to the staff to keep up the momentum and grow from here.
Score: 5.7
Pros: Friendly staff and atmosphere, Improved Video Game Room, Playing Twister on Sunday, Some unique ideas and events, friendly attendees, Venue is easily accessible.
Cons: Nothing too extravagant Cosplay wise, moments of boredom, some events were meh, occasional organization problems, can’t enter convention area without a pass.
Note: During the costume contest, the creators announced a new convention known as WasabiCon. A flyer found weeks later revealed WasabiCon would be held in Jacksonville on October 27th & 28th. This is also around the same time and area EXP Con was held last year.
For those who may not know EXP Con announced earlier this year that they would be expanding by attempting to run two conventions this year. The Jacksonville one will be on a date that has yet to be disclosed and one in Orlando on November 2nd-4th.
If you notice the date of Wasabi Con is coincidently a week prior. This appears to be intentional as a flyer advertising Wasabi Con states
Tired of the same ol’ EXPerience each year? Did you hear that the local anime & video game convention won’t be In the Jacksonville/St Augustine area this October? WE CAN HELP”
From what I understand and was told the creators of FAE were unhappy that EXP Con decided to run a convention in Orlando and Wasabi Con was created as a result. While having it a week prior may not directly compete with the new EXP Con it certainly risks hindering it.
It will be interesting who succeeds in this convention war.
Unfortunately,… WasabiCon is also scheduled the same weekend as FANDom Con Year 3.
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