GeeksareSexy: ‘Harry Potter’ Fan Film Kickstarter Needs Your Help

The website GeeksareSexy has a great in depth write-up about the plans by a gang of current and former Emerson College students to make a movie about the Marauders, the gang of troublemakers at Howarts in the late 1970s that included James Potter and Sirius Black.
The film “The Gathering Storm,” co-written and directed by the very talented cosplayer and filmmaker Aaron Rivin, has a Kickstarter campaign, GeeksareSexy points out, that is now down to just three days, with about $7,000 left in its $40,000 goal. Casting and costume fitting has been finalized, and the location is set — the Hammond Castle in Gloucester, Mass. — a very suitable substitute for Hogwarts.
Read the article and if you are a fan of all things Harry Potter, you might consider donating.