God of War Drops Into Land of the Midnight Sun

We just can’t seem to keep this demi-god down for the count can we? Returning to the PS4 sometime this year is our favorite god-killing anti-hero. Kratos will be back in the newest addition to the God of War series, called … God of War.
However there is a bit of difference. It’s a little noticeable. Kratos is older. Rocking a full on Viking bread, has a son, and now seems to have ended up in Norse Mythology. This is actually a very interesting concept. Just the idea of Kratos taking on the God of Thunder, or ripping out Odin’s other eye sounds incredible. And the fact he has a son who seems like a companion in the gameplay that I’ve seen is also another interesting choice. But I do have my concerns about that.
But first the gameplay. Going for more of a third-person point of view than previous titles, Kratos is out to hunt with his son when he comes across enemies. Now wielding an ax instead of his iconic Blades of Chaos he easily disposes of his enemies. And for those wondering, it does not seem as if the brutal killing of mythological creatures is toned down as taking out a troll showed that this is the Kratos style we know.
While I am excited for this game I would be lying if I said I didn’t have my worries. Number One is actually his son. I really don’t think it’ll be fun to have an escort partner-style gameplay with Kratos. I feel that could take away from the experience. Especially when his son seems like he’ll get in the way more than help. I may be wrong. Maybe the child will be kidnapped or killed by the gods which while send Kratos into his usual rage.
Regardless, until we hear more on the game, this is what we have. It has my interest. Kratos: Dad of War as it’s being called by fans is slated for a 2017 release and I know I am personally looking forward to taking out Loki as brutally as possible.