Sunday started out with a decent hotel breakfast for me and a sunny day for Granite State Comicon 2024. That meant Sunday attendees were much more likely to make the crossing to the SNHU Arena from the Doubletree part of the convention than on the rainy Saturday. It also meant smaller lines in front of me for people waiting for celebrity autographs, and easier access to my studio space and the signup table for the kids’ cosplay contest. Being next to the signup table explains the increased number of kids in these galleries compared to Saturday.

Of course, having that many kids brought an increase in behavior challenges. One young man almost pulled bostonreinhardt’s full suit on a display rack down on top of himself — despite both his adult and Nick telling him not to touch it in increasingly alarming tones. Luckily, I had no such problems. All the kids in these galleries were excited to hit fun poses for their shots.

I took almost exactly the same number of photos this past Granitecon on Sunday as I did on Sunday of 2023, despite the recent convention shattering its previous attendance numbers record. The better weather and easier access to the SNHU Arena part of the convention was probably a big factor in my total number of photos from Sunday, but it could have been that Saturday was simply an insane outlier and Sunday was attended by a more typical size crowd. Bit of both, most likely.

Cosplayers in this first of two Sunday galleries include benspark, ashe_does_cosplay, Jessica Leigh, spktr_cosplay, lowlight27, Avera Cosplay, feliciaariesof, jacky.ha.313, giuse86x, ghoulish_cosplays, touganloo, cailyncosplay, haunted_voodoo, sycosplay, arouetabon, ink_echo, chalkmuffins, christopherlavallee, amberrcas, wywyrm, trashmouse_cosplay,, clovernomics.pdf, beepboop_cos.plays, and many more.

We now use Smugmug to present cosplay photo galleries and will post all photos there, with a link to each gallery in its own gallery article. This will allow us to give you higher resolution images to download — still for free.

To view the entire gallery, just click on the image below. If you are pictured in any of our galleries, feel free to download the images and use them non-commercially on social media, with appropriate credit.

If you like our work and want to show your appreciation, feel free to tip us at Ko-fi or become a patron on Patreon.

Also, High-res images for sale is back!

If you are pictured in any of our galleries and want the high-resolution (3200 pixels at its widest by 300dpi) download for yourself, we can make it available via a private Smugmug link, for $10 per image. Just send an email to editor AT Currently limited to only photos taken by FirstPerson Shooter (aka Rodney Brown).

Click on the image above to see the full gallery.

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