GraniteCon 2014 Cosplay Gallery, Part 1 – FirstPerson Shooter

At Granite State Comic Con, while we had the amazing Nate Buchman roaming the halls taking cosplay photos, I was lucky enough to be given space in the Costume Contest pre-judging room to set up a mini portable studio. While I love doing hall shots myself, having complete control over the lighting is a big boon to a photographer. That meant I was able to grab more than 200 studio shots on Saturday alone, so expect another post with the rest of Saturday’s images, and then a Sunday gallery.

At the beginning of the gallery, you can see the contest judges — first is Syagria Cosplay as Suki the Kyoshi Warrior, then Abby from Human Sushi Cosplay as Sansa Stark and then Leeleethebunny Cosplay as Alice from Alice: Madness Returns. A few shots later is fourth judge Danielle Beaulieu as Tibbers from League of Legends. If, like me, you don’t play LoL, look for the cute girl in the sexy teddy bear outfit. 🙂


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