GraniteCon 2014 Cosplay Gallery, Part 2 – FirstPerson Shooter

Sorry for the long delay since posting the first half of Saturday’s cosplay gallery from the recent Granite State Comic Con held in Manchester, NH. But I had to make a sudden relocation to a hotel after repairs to my bathroom plumbing (not done by me, to be clear) resulted in broken pipes and a need for a complete replacement. I know, get a portable external drive, not that monster I currently have. Soon, folks, soon.
That said, here are the second pile of pics taken at my portable studio set up at GraniteCon 2014.
When you are done looking at these, check out the first half of Saturday’s shots, then check out Nate Buchman‘s amazing work in his own cosplay gallery, and as part of our post about Harley Bean‘s Harley Quinn and her escapades at the convention.