Guardians Of The Galaxy Cosplay Retrospective

In one week, the movie Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 has made more than $500 million at the box office, putting it well on the way to being yet another MCU film bringing in more than $1 billion. After checking to be sure I’ve never done a retrospective cosplay gallery of Guardians cosplayers, I pulled together this set of more than 100 images of people in a cosplay costume from both the movies and the comics.
If you want to know whether or not we think you should add your money to that massive box office take, check out the spoiler-free review by Kathryn Chinetti, or my spoiler-filled review. We have different takes on the movie to be sure.
The gallery linked below contains photos of the characters in the three MCU Guardians movies, both in their movie versions and comic book versions. I didn’t include any mashups, which is a shame because there are some really creative ones I’ve taken photos of over the decade-plus I’ve been photographing cosplay. Well, one mashup — GiveWave Studios’ T’Challa Star-Lord, but that is because since the character appeared in the Disney+ series What If…? it is now MCU canon.
Star-Lord is the most common cosplay in the set, followed by Gamora, and then a surprising number of people cosplaying as Groot and Rocket Racoon. There is one Mantis, one Adam Warlock, one Nebula, and a pair of Yondus — one movie version with a Mary Poppins, and one comic book version from (of course) DragonCon. I know I’ve taken a photo of a Drax cosplayer, and I can picture the shot, against a dark or black backdrop. But I couldn’t find it, in multiple passes through my archived galleries.
Cosplayers shwoing off a cosplay costume in this gallery include GiveWave Studios, Powers Family CozPlay, Olivia Kitt Cosplay, daziraptor, the_namaslay_cosplay, suitupprops, generalbenkenobi, miserbilality, AkaneSaotome, Destiny Nickelsen, Super Wolf Cosplay, Sweetest Little Darling Cosplay, and many more.
We use Smugmug to present cosplay photo galleries and post all photos there, with a link to each gallery in its own gallery article. This allows us to give you higher resolution images to download — still for free.
To view the entire gallery, just click on the image below. If you are pictured in your cosplay costume in any of our galleries, feel free to download the images and use them non-commercially on social media, with appropriate credit.
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