Hilarious G.I.JOE PSA Parodies by Awkward Mutant Films!

Being a geek, I actually wrote some of these scripts years ago, but never could find the funds or time. The choking one was the first idea. I always noticed whenever non-geeks were asked about G.I. Joe, they’d remember Snake Eyes and the PSAs. And since Snake didn’t have a PSA because he’s mute, the idea just grew from that.
Luckily, my good friend Jay was looking for a project for he and I to work on and since he was the biggest Joe fan I knew, besides my girlfriend, I thought it was perfect. Plus luckily in NYC I know a ton of talented actors who took time out to work on this odd collection of videos.
Anyone who knows me knows that MOTU (Masters Of The Universe) is my all-time fave 80’s cartoon and toy-line that I grew up with, but G.I. Joe is a close second. I actually feel sorry for kids that don’t know what’s it’s like to have to run home and do your homework either before these cartoons started or afterwards. If DVR existed in the 80’s I’d be fatter. The show was so cool. yes, even as a kid you knew it was a toy ad but you loved these characters anyway. Duke, Flint, Snake Eyes, Scarlett and of course Cobra Commander were my faves.
I’m hoping folks will enjoy these and check out Series One of I Hate Earth. We are desperately trying to raise funds for a series two and I can promise you the story and effects are gonna be huge.