How Many Heroes Might Be In Cap 3? Think ‘Secret Wars’

According to an article on the site CinemaBlend, the two writers and directors of Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Joe and Anthony Russo, told their interviewer that they are hoping to load up Captain America 3 with piles of Marvel Heroes — way more than even the upcoming Avengers: Age of Ultron, if the comic series they cite as an inspiration is any indication.
Jeremy Renner has already dropped hints that Hawkeye will have a Black Widow-sized role on Cap 3, but Joe Russo teased CinemaBlend that he might even go outside Marvel Studios for characters.
“Do they have to be under contract with Marvel? Maybe they are at another studio,” Russo told CinemaBlend.
That might be the most cruel tease ever, but it could also mean that he has some insight as to very high-level negotiations between Marvel and maybe Sony (Spider-Man) or 20th Century Fox (X-Men and Fantastic Four). Cap and Spidey have teamed up before, but lately under the auspices of the Avengers, which has it’s own franchise. Cap and Wolverine, maybe?
However, it is what Russo said next that really has the potential to blow the hero count out of the water:
Listen, when I started collecting, The Secret Wars was one of the first books I ever bought, so that’s always been an obsession of mine to see something of that scale done – a crossover. I don’t know if that would ever be possible, with all the different situations at the studios. But I would love to see a lot of characters on screen together.
Maybe this is just Russo laying out his own ultimate wish list, but I sure hope he is serious when hinting that the entire FF, Spidey and mutant universes could be available for Cap 3.
Now, as long as the Beyonder isn’t involved.