Injustice 2 is a Wonderful Sequel

I’ve been waiting for Injustice 2 to come out. And I am happy to say it didn’t disappoint. I mean how could it? NetherRealm Studios has been on a roll in terms of the last several fighting game titles, such as Mortal Kombat 9, Injustice: Gods Among Us, and Mortal Kombat X. With each title they improve upon the previous. Which is why I believe Injustice 2 is not only a testament to that but probably the best made fighting game on current generation consoles.
NetherRealm once again does a phenomenal job of creating worlds and developing characters. Injustice 2 follows the storyline of the world in the first Injustice game, as well as the prequel comics set up, in which Superman goes mad with power after killing The Joker and taking over the world. We see our favorite heroes and villains step up to take on a new threat, Braniac. The story mode has so many amazing moments. Each character is loyal to their comic counterparts and gives you some moments in which you don’t know what is going to happen. In some cases you can pick your fights to allow two different varieties to play out a fight, giving two points of views on the overall story mode. And both endings are so satisfying that it makes you excited to see more. It’s a great way to keep the player invested.

The gameplay has been revamped and fine tuned to make returning characters feel new and fix a lot of the complaints of certain characters. Speaking of the characters, I love how each character feels unique — each having their own special abilities as well as cinematic supers which vary from OK to great. Also the graphics is something worth noting as the game looks dramatically different from the first showings of it. Character models are incredibly detailed and the motion capture for these characters make them feel more alive than previous titles. With a great functioning online mode I had no issues playing against people online and felt no lag or issues during my playtime.
This game has so much to offer in terms of content. For example, in addition to the traditional arcade mode for each character, multiplayer modes are there. But new to the game is the Multiverse system which is an interesting way to challenge players by giving us matches in which certain challenges or objectives are needed to be accomplished in a match.
This also shows off some of the new gear you can acquire which is my only real “issue” with the game. The gear system by all respects is a cool idea. It allows you to customize a character to fit your design and play style. By playing you level up and unlock more gear for characters. It is a great system which allows each player to have their own version of said character. So far I haven’t had much luck with the system and getting things for characters I want to play as or I am too low of a level to use them. This requires more playtime. Doesn’t hurt the game at all but maybe I haven’t played enough.
Overall this is an incredible sequel to Injustice: Gods Among Us. And kudos to Ed Boon and the team at NetherRealm for making yet another high quality fighting game. I would love to see the Injustice World adapted into a movie form. Because it is that good, from the prequel comics to the first game and now this. Hopefully writers of the DC Cinematic Universe play this game and learn how to respect these characters’ source materials.
I give Injustice 2 a well deserved 5 out of 5. I am looking forward to more play time with this game and seeing what the future DLC characters add to the overall experience.