Is Being A Gamer A Liability? The Maine Republican Party Wants You To Think So!

I really hope the Maine Republican Party doesn’t find out about my history of playing Monopoly. They might think I enjoy putting people out of business.
Whether we are Democrats, Republicans or Independents, we all know that it is very important that we elect good politicians that take issues head-on in a serious manner.
Colleen Lachowicz is running for Senator of District 25 in the state of Maine. She has a Masters in Social Work from Boston College and is currently Program Director of School-Based Services at Kennebec Behavioral Health.
This is what the opposition has decided is important for voters to know about Lachowicz:

I think it is The Maine Republican Party who don’t live in the real world. Just last week, there was an article released that talked about how games help you become a better worker. Here’s a quote:
…the research revealed that playing massively multiplayer role playing games (MMORPG), can have beneficial effects on real-life work through the transmission of virtually practiced leadership skills and active learning behaviours (learning by doing).
Also, since over 235 million people play games on Facebook, did they really think that this would make her less relatable? I’m disappointed that The Maine Republican Party is pushing this stereotype that because she can play WoW, and play it very well, that she has no life outside of it, or that she can’t manage it. Her personal life should not be a concern for voters. What the people of Maine need to know is whether either candidate can make their lives better.
If you want to support Colleen Lachowicz or want to know more about her politics, feel free to check out her Facebook page here.
And if you are a Republican and feel that your party is being ridiculous, you can talk to David Sorensen, Maine GOP communications director, who “bashes [Lachowicz] for ‘living a time-consuming double life as a member of the World of Warcraft community.’ here!
This campaign reeks of desperation, and while I shouldn’t be surprised about politicians stooping low, this is REALLY low.
It also speaks of clueless manipulation. The guy just slammed . . . every gamer.
I can guarantee it she will get more votes because of it not lose votes.
My only concern is will the voters be allowed to cast their votes in Northern Barrens?
Don't be silly Tonka.
Everyone knows that you must take the fly point to Iron Forge or Thunderbluff to cast their votes.
I read something the other day about this, and the Republicans were saying you cant trust her because shes a rogue and likes to stab people in the game…
HAHAHAHAHA! Did they also claim she gets gold welfare in the game and is power-leveled?
She should ride this out. Millions of gamers and WoW players on the Internet will support her to no end!
She will get awesome positive publicity.