Kaijudo Tatsurion vs. Razorkinder Out Now!

Wizards of the Coast is thrilled to announce the official launch of the Kaijudo Tatsurion vs. Razorkinder™ Battle Decks for the Kaijudo™ trading card game and Kaijudo Online™ digital TCG!
With the Tatsurion vs. Razorkinder Battle Decks, players summon and stand with the creature that best fits their style of combat – charging into battle alongside Tatsurion the Unchained to blast their way to victory, 200-125 vceor teaming up with Razorkinder to eliminate enemies with deadly stealth.
In Kaijudo Online, players test their combat skills digitally, using their strong, unique bonds with the creatures to fight together to save humanity from annihilation.
And that’s not all for Kaijudo excitement this summer!
Don’t miss the launch of Kaijudo: The Dojo Edition and the Kaijudo: Dojo App! Launching on July 24, The Dojo Edition booster packs will feature many of the mind-blowing creatures seen in the TV series and the Kaijudo: Battle Game, and playing with cards from this First Edition set will make it clear to opponents that you were one of the first duelists to play Kaijudo. The Kaijudo: Dojo App for iOS platforms will also be coming later this summer – stay tuned for more details!
To find out where you can buy the Kaijudo Battle Decks, visit the Kaijudo Store Locator page on Wizards.com. The Kaijudo Online game can be found at http://www.kaijudo.com/games/tcgo/index.html.100-105 vce
For more information and updates on Kaijudo, visit Kaijudo.com or Facebook.com/Kaijudodojo.