‘Walking Dead’ Miniatures Game Looks Scary Good

I for one love to watch zombie movies, but they all have the same problem. Each of the movies has a beginning, middle and an end, which left you wondering what was happening to the rest of the people who survived the movie? What would they do now as they had survived the initial encounters with the undead hordes? Robert Kirkman thought about this and gave us one of the most iconic comics in the world today, The Walking Dead. This comic has not only given us two television shows, but other merchandise as well, including games.
The folks over at Mantic Games have finished up their Kickstarter, exceeding their final goal of $680,000 (up from an initial goal of a mere $50,000). The means they will be releasing The Walking Dead: All Out War, a tactical miniatures game based on The Walking Dead sometime this year. You will take control of a band of survivors as they are looking for precious supplies to keep them alive in this dark new world. The zombies are not the only thing that you will have to contend with as you will have other groups who are just as hungry as you are. But you need to plan out your attacks carefully as there are walkers in your area as well. You need to make tough decisions as you can draw more attention to yourself than need be. Do that and you could find yourself surrounded by walkers and if that happens there is no winner.
The miniatures themselves look like the characters right out of the comics. All of your favorites will be available, including Rick, Carl, Abraham and Michonne. The core set comes with six characters as well as twelve zombies. There are other products that will be released so depending on how much you want to get out of the experience you can make a game board that looks like a downtown city complete with wrecked cars and barricades!
The rules are very simple to learn and use custom six-sided dice to resolve actions and combat. This is going to be a great game to just break out and play with your friends. The one thing that is unique about this game is the walkers, as they are not controlled by either side but more by the environment. If you make noise the walkers would be more inclined to head in your direction to check out what is going on.
The Walking Dead: All Out War will be released later this year and I am very excited to see this game come out. For more information on this and other games that Mantic makes head over to www.manticgames.com and get ready to fight against the Walking Dead!