LARP Is a Battlefield: A LARP Experience

“Uh… *ahem* it looks like more orcs are coming,” Kragshard the drow quietly said upon entering the building from the outside. All those inside the building shifted uncomfortably for a moment and turned to look at the panther helmeted person in front of them.
“Are you sure?” someone asked as others grabbed their weapons and looked out to see not a few orcs but actually a massed assortment of trolls. One of the building tenants mentioned traps and others quickly formulated a defensive line by the entrances. Another warrior within the same building had stated that the ability to use fire and thus permanently kill the trolls was lacking among their motley crew. The door burst open as the trolls angrily rushed in with weapons and laid into the defenders. Kragshard and another warrior attempted to break out of the side entrance only to be cut down by three trolls who managed to circle them.
This was the first time I attended a LARP as a player and I had heard good things from my closest friend about this particular LARP. I had previously volunteered to be an NPC at a different LARP to sort of dip my toes into the concept of it. But this would be first time as an active player, so I made the drive down to Wales, Mass., to Eagle Pass Campgrounds where a LARP called Knight’s Blade holds its events.
Admittedly I had been a bit worried about heading into an relatively unknown aspect of nerd culture. For all the instances of toe dipping I’ve never actively pursued the nerd art of wielding a hard foam weapon and laying into a fictional character made manifest by someone in a troll mask. Speaking with many of my other friends I often hear how they all want to try something like LARP but seem to treat it like it’s the undiscovered country of nerd/geekdom. Like walking through that stargate transitioned them into a world that would solidify their nerd beyond status. Personally, I just wanted to dress up as if I was cosplaying but also use my Shakespeare play roots to create my own character and really ham it up.
Prep and early interactions
It took me an hour to paint myself up as a Drow and then get into my gear but it was worth it as I strolled out into the tavern in my Wakanda-inspired armored panther helmet and garb that I pulled together from various cosplay costumes. The conversations around the tavern quieted as the people inside sized me up and some muttered under their breath. One person approached me as I exited the tavern and introduced themselves to me as Seth. Our characters talked very briefly about a few things before Seth backtracked to a comrade of his who eagerly inquired about the “cat-masked person.” Meanwhile, in my helmet I breathed heavily and steadied myself as my first in-character interaction had passed. From there I trekked through the snow to a friend’s cabin to pick up a sword and then I wandered the grounds while not so gracefully avoiding the mobs of monsters roaming the lands.

Luis, err Kragshard looks like he has had enough of these trolls.
Some time in the evening I found myself surrounded by a large group inside one of the bunk-type houses used for people to sleep in. A varied amount of conversations happened around me as people laughed, shared food and talked in character. I (as Kragshard) had taken to watching the door as being an “elf-eating warrior,” my paranoia finely honed from years of fighting in orc pits. I looked out the window to see creatures coming to the house.
This led to the battle I mentioned in the first paragraph. Foam weapons clashed, players died and one had been captured by these creatures only to be saved by other players who had formed a sort of militia to drive these creatures back. My short sword struck a firm blow against one creature and disabled an arm for a short amount of time before I had become overwhelmed by my attackers. I took a knee to signify I had been laid low and waited for rescue while panting heavily from being winded from the battle. Once rescued, we discussed future tactics and town politics before I excused myself. My time had ended at the LARP and I needed to head home to handle some family matters.
Having entered what was deemed the NPC camp and base of operations, I turned in my coins and plastic bag full of in-game items before speaking with a few of the people there. One of them was a wonderful photographer named Ron Maddox who often took photos of the players. As one photographer to another we had a nice discussion about photos hoots before some of the people who managed the LARP talked to me briefly about my experiences before I headed out. While I loaded my equipment into my SUV and backed out of the dirt road toward the main road, I already mentally began to make changes to my outfit and weapon of choice. Wondering about the town politics and a few of the people I met there,I could tell I had already planned on coming back again.
(Ed. Note: Photo credit for the featured image Ron M. Photography)
Hey good to here you have a good time. You remember the warrior with the large axe? Hey that was me lol