LeakyCon Boston 2019 Cosplay Gallery

Back in October, shortly after the massive New York Comic Con, the Harry Potter convention LeakyCon returned to Boston, the city from whence it was launched back in 2009. For its Tin Anniversary, LeakyCon came home, choosing the Seaport World Trade Center as its location during the weekend of Oct. 11-13.
Because of its close proximity in time to NYCC, Wonderllama Cosplay and I were the only ones to get a press pass — the rest of the team needed a serious recovery weekend before embarking on more convention coverage. And while we had plans to do video of Gregg cosplaying Hagrid, that didn’t pan out. But his Hagrid was such a hit that it drew lots of cosplayers to where I was stationed on the mezzanine level of the conference space.
While I mentioned how most of our team couldn’t make it LeakyCon, I admit I was only there for Saturday. I too needed some recovery time, but didn’t want to miss the convention completely. Also, since I clearly forgot all about this set of photos in the rush of NYCC content, and have since had to replace my smartphone, I lost all the cosplayer tags I recorded. I’ve reconstructed as many as I could from searches, but I apologize to anyone I didn’t tag after getting your social media info.
The next LeakyCon will be this summer in Orlando (I predict few Hagrids in the Florida summer heat) and the next October event returns to Denver, not Boston. I do hope LeakyCon doesn’t wait another 10 years to come back home
Cosplayers in the gallery include khaleesidani, cavalyn, didaverseend, sjwilson83, thepottercollector, neocoolstar, Wonderllama Cosplay, ankasadventures, morganlyfecosplay, Weasleys Whimsical World of Harry Potter, emberjaycosplay, faithnomoar, makeupgoddess26, mmullen223, Lady Jane Fabrications, muppetrob, theharrypotterfan, Simply Potter, and many more.
We now use Smugmug to present cosplay photo galleries and will post all photos there, with a link to each gallery in its own gallery article. This will allow us to give you higher resolution images to download — still for free.
To view the entire gallery, just click on the image below. If you are pictured in any of our galleries, feel free to download the images and use them non-commercially on social media, with appropriate credit.
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