Let The Carol Danvers Casting Rumors Commence!

With the news from Marvel Studios that Captain Marvel will be getting her own movie, set to open on July 6, 2018, speculation has reached a fever pitch over who should play her.
The site Slash Film has a list of their top 10 candidates to be Carol Danvers. That made me decide to repurpose a previous casting blog I had done elsewhere way back when The Avengers came out.
If memory serves, Danvers is an Air Force Major when she gets her powers, which would mean she has to be in her 30s at least. Luckily, there is no shortage of amazingly talented and hot actresses in their 30s. One criteria for making the cut, though — she can’t already be associated with a comic book franchise. Sorry, Jessica Alba. So here’s my short list:
Anna Torv, already half suited up!
First, Anna Torv, from the series Fringe. While she is almost always in FBI suits in the series, she is gorgeous, and built. At 5’8″ she is closer to the required statuesque hero build than most of her counterparts. And she has shown on Fringe she can really act.
Katee Sackhoff revs my engine!
Second, Katee Sackhoff. While everybody thinks of her as the butch Starbuck from Battlestar Galactica, Sackhoff is a real girly girl who also can pull off tough and heroic (and insane, but Danvers doesn’t require that). Sackhoff is listed as 5’6.5″, so not quite so statuesque as Torv, but one look at this picture of her with long blond hair in a bikini top and I have no problem with the height.
Captain Marvel’s got curves, so does Thora Birch!
Third (and I’ll get some heat for this one) is Thora Birch. Birch is the shortest of the bunch at 5’4″ but she also has the closest curvy body type to the way Captain Marvel used to be drawn in her Ms. Marvel incarnatian (God bless you, Frank Cho). And while she hasn’t done any acting of note in years, it would be great to see her reunited with her Ghost World co-star Scarlett Johansson, assuming the Black Widow makes it into the end of Marvel’s Phase Three.
Now it’s your turn. Should I skip my “no prior comic book movies” rule and consider Alba, or Jessica Biel? Let me know in the comments.