Make It So: The Human Library And Our Culture

Now admittedly when you hear the word “Human Library” it sounds like a horror film, or something out of Fahrenheit 451, or a fantasy adventure module.  But tamp down on your imagination for a moment while I drop an idea on you that will help said imagination soar.

I heard about the Human Library  idea being used in Canada.  Originally an idea to fight bias in Denmark, the idea of the Human Library is to have people you can basically “check out” and talk to.  You can learn from them as you talk, and in a lot of ways, learn about yourself because it lets you bridge gaps and overcome bigotry.

It’s an odd but enthralling thing – the Human Books are ones you “check out” by classification, but in turn, the direct contact humanizes them.  It overcomes bias and bigotry.  It lets people impart wisdom and understanding.  It brings back face-to-face contact and mentoring.  As I understand it, some variants of this focus on careers or history, expanding the idea.

This is awesome.  It’s time to use it.  I think we nerds, geeks, and otaku should consider Human Libraries at conventions and elsewhere.

There’s plenty of reasons and options:

To Overcome Bias: I don’t know how many times I’ve heard people defame . . . well, anyone . . . in our supposedly tolerant sphere.  I’m an easy-going guy, and I’m rather saddened by the various biases that are in greater nerddom.  So why not build bridges and take a hint from the Human Library –  I know I’ve ranted on this many times, specifically on racism, sexism, and homophobia.

To Build Bridges: We geeks, nerd, and otaku are a diverse lot.  So why not get to know someone in a sphere of life you know nothing about, or from a country you know nothing about.  I know I’ve had experiences in learning more about fandom outside of North America that were enlightening – and taught me about my own stereotypes.

To Share Wisdom: So many of us are facing uncertain times and uncertain economies.  We want careers in what we love.  Why not take a Human Library approach to skill building and education, and let people “check out” professionals at a convention to learn from them one-on-one?

To Get The Big Picture: Imagine if a convention contributed to a local human library with the Artist, The Geek, The Anime Fan, The Costumer, and other useful “books” so people can understand what we do?   They might even learn some useful stuff they can use.

To Share Culture: We inherit decades of cons, events, ‘zones, knowledge, and culture.  Maybe a Human Library of Nerd Elders would be a good idea to pass it on at conventions.

Because It Is Cool: There’s no other way to say this – the Human Library idea is awesome.  It promotes dialogue, understanding, and human interaction.  Let’s do our part to make it happen.  If we do it, others will follow.

So that’s my humble suggestion.  Let’s take this great idea and run with it and build on it.

Anyone feel like being a Book?

– Steven Savage

Steven Savage is a Geek 2.0 writer, speaker, blogger, and job coach.  He blogs on careers at, nerd and geek culture at, and does a site of creative tools at He can be reached at

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