More Videos from SDCC 2014

Yesterday we posted a block of videos first displayed at Comic Con International: San Diego, and today we have a few more. The most exciting for me is the look at season 3 of Arrow, but that is because I know how good this show is already. Moving the action shown in the flashbacks off the island to Hong Kong opens up all sorts of great possibilities, but it is the tease at the end that really gets the nerd juices flowing. To quote another DC entertainment of recent years “Now, am I pronouncing this right…?”
Sticking with DC throughout this entire blog, Constantine also looks amazing. Welsh actor Matt Ryan (not to be confused with NFL quarterback Matt “Matty Ice” Ryan) looks the part and seems to have captured the funnier, wisecracking aspect of the character much more than Keanu Reeves ever did. There is just one problem with the show, and it is shared with the show in the next video.
Both Constantine and the new show Gotham are on Fox. You know Fox — that network that cancelled Firefly and Almost Human despite both of them being critical hits? Speculative fiction shows haven’t done well on Fox since Buffy The Vampire Slayer, with the exception of Fringe. That said, the show looks very good, and the lightning that struck with CW’s Arrow might strike again.