Mortal Kombat X DLC Lands Some Hits, Few Fatalities

Mortal Kombat X has gotten quite the support from both its community and developer NetherRealm Studios. The game — since launch to the video game competition EVO 2015 this past summer — has seen some drastic changes, from new costumes, to new brutalities/fatalities, and even new characters. Whether you like the business practices of publisher WB Games or not, the continuing DLC for MKX is impressive. I’ve gotten my hands on these new characters, and was impressed with how some of them played — but that doesn’t mean they’re all great.
Tanya was the first DLC character to be released in Kombat Pack 1. Overall she is only okay — not a horrible character, but just okay. Her playstyle is fun to see and I love her redesign look, definitely a completed character, unlike the version you face in the story mode earlier on.
Tremor sadly falls into the same category. I was really impressed by his redesign, and loved the idea of him being a towering ninja with his awesome Earth powers. Despite that, he has to be one of my least favorite characters in the Kombat Pack 1. He’s honestly kind of boring to play as. Some of his brutalities and fatalities are cool, but his combo and different variations aren’t very fun to play.
A surprise choice character is the horror icon Jason Voorhees. At first I was really disappointed with this inclusion. I didn’t feel Jason fit into the Mortal Kombat games. I was glad to see I was wrong. He fits perfectly, and the amount of detail they put into making him is astonishing. His fatalities, his moves are all reminiscent of his kills in the movies. I especially love his fatalities. Seeing MK characters turn into horror movie victims is hilarious. I especially love his Slasher and Relentless variations. He has to be my second favorite character in the Kombat Pack DLC.
Predator… easily the best character of the Kombat Pack. When I first saw the inclusion of Predator coming to MKX I was ecstatic. Easily one of the coolest movie characters ever. Not to mention giving Johnny Cage an Arnold Schwarzenegger costume and turning Jax into Dillon from the original Predator movie was incredible. Predator, like Jason, has a lot of detail put into his overall design, and is fun to play as. Whether it’s the thermal vision in his character intro, his different variations, ending animation, sounds from the movie, or even his amazing plasma caster fatality, Predator is the character I enjoyed most in this DLC.
The Kombat Pack DLC is a hit or miss for me. While I didn’t enjoy Tanya or Tremor, Jason Voorhees and Predator surely made up for it. I can’t wait to see what Kombat Pack 2 brings. Hopefully they will make characters that appeared in the story playable, such as Rain, Baraka, Smoke, and Sindel. I really hope they become playable since they story mode version seemed to be finished with the characters so I figure we’ll see them. But perhaps we’ll get another couple of guest characters. Maybe Robocop, Terminator, or Spawn will make an appearance. A man can dream.