NYCC 2018 Gallery By Adam Etheridge, Sunday

Alas, we now come to my final set of photos from New York Comic Con 2018. On Sunday, the final day of NYCC, I decided to spend the vast majority of my day taking photos outside. In the early afternoon hours of the day, I stopped by a Street Fighter meetup and photoshoot, so you’ll see a healthy dose of Ryu, Ken, and Cammy cosplay in this set, among others from the popular fighting game.
All in all, I consider this year’s New York Comic Con to have been a great one overall. We saw improvements in quite a few areas, with no glaring problems that I’m aware of. While I do yearn for the day when construction at the Javits Center will finally be complete, I believe the convention organizers have made adjustments for the reduced space with the best of their ability. Let’s hope they can keep things running smoothly as they have, as we will likely have two or three more years before construction wraps up.
After completing a write-up to go along with all of my NYCC photo galleries (I believe this is number six), I’ve discussed just about everything notable I can think of. Time to hit you with my tagline and wrap up my coverage for this year’s event.
And that is New York Comic Con 2018! Don’t stray too far from the Javits Center though, as Nerd Caliber will be returning to the venue in less than a month for AnimeNYC!
Among the cosplayers in the gallery are Cosplay Butterfly, Mimi Manga, Noodles and Justice, Lua Stardust, Starlight Goddess Cosplay, Collin Summers Cosplay, Cosplay by Mikette, HB Gibson, Sakuraharunogirl, Stardust Megu, Mandycake Cosplay, Nosóro ノソロ コスプレ, ragstorichards, sinful_butterfly, xbluephantomx, livelycosplay, arrogant_complex, genovere, statuesque_yoki, moetheartist, beautifuldiz, purplemuffinz, ryemiw, zoevolf, lifeofcosplay, uptownbill007, and many more.
Photo gallery tips: Once the page loads the images, you will see the Forward and Back navigation arrows above the image, in case you want to scroll faster than the preset. And to see the entire gallery as thumbnails, click on the gray four-box square next to the navigation arrows.
If you are pictured in any of our galleries, feel free to download the images and use them non-commercially on social media, with appropriate credit.