NYCC 2019 Friday Gallery By FirstPerson Shooter, Part 3

Again the sun moved in and out of the clouds on Friday afternoon at New York Comic Con 2019, until it set near the end of this gallery, and the end of the day. So the exposure is a bit all over the place in this gallery. Stay tuned for Saturday galleries to see my solution to this problem.

Much of the Nerd Caliber team stayed in Flushing, Queens, for the con. While this is mainly because of lower hotel prices, it also put us at the far end of the 7 line of the New York subway. The other end is one block from the Javits Center. But another reason we choose that location is the food. Flushing is a locus of Asian-American and Asian immigrant communities, and there are more excellent restaurants per block than you can ever discover. So Friday evening Manny, myself and Gregg of Wonderllama Photography went to Kyuramen for some of the best ramen I’ve ever had.

Among the cosplayers in this third Friday gallery are nikkigeecosplay, Ryuu Lavitz, Miss Gidget, PWNstar Cosplay & Photography, miss_katsreckless, biasby, _westbabylon, susieqcosplay, moonlit_stalchild, iwasateenagemonster, chriscross55, Planet Ruby, chovexxaniMiss Molly the Cosplayer, dinosandgiraffes, Wonderllama Cosplay, Mr and Mrs Picard, The_real_destro, ZanyGeek, pink.mason, Gogo Incognito, Luv SydneyMarie, duskimp, Spectra, Elizabeth Rage, arabella_kat, Leon Chiro, and many more.

We now use Smugmug to present cosplay photo galleries and will post all photos there, with a link to each gallery in its own gallery article. This will allow us to give you higher resolution images to download — still for free.

To view the entire gallery, just click on the image below. If you are pictured in any of our galleries, feel free to download the images and use them non-commercially on social media, with appropriate credit.

Click on the image above to see the full gallery.

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