NYCC 2019 Saturday Gallery By FirstPerson Shooter, Part 1

As I mentioned in my previous gallery post, I found the changing light on Friday of New York Comic Con 2019 to be a challenge, and Saturday was no different. Since I liked picking a spot in the high-traffic seating area near the Starbucks on the 2nd floor, it seemed like I had no choice but to put up with it. Then I walked by the open seating right next to the north escalators, which were under the lower ceiling than the enormous glass cube about five stories above the seating spot at which I was located. I moved as fast as I could.
I was now able to bounce my flash off the white ceiling, completely controlling the amount of light on the subjects and the white balance, without any concern for sunlight, clouds or skyscraper shade. The bulk of this gallery is made of photos from that location, and all future NYCC 2019 galleries by me will be of photos taken there.
Among the cosplayers in this first gallery are hklisaannashellokitty, jeffrey.scott91, 17madison_taylor, agnelli18, wild_card_quinn, Mhysa Cosplay, Cowbutt Crunchies Cosplay, rstewie_, gabbity, leonstgiovanni, danni_darling, Utahime Cosplay, kylander_kouture, Chocobobutt, Chelsea Von Chastity Cosplay, amirlikeshugs, Kaylaina Cosplay, pastel._.pagan, zhuology101, ambiguousleahcosplay, valerinayoung, cielstonecosplay, Mom the Cosplayer, colormelolita, sivl32 and killonious of villainouspropshop, and many more.
We now use Smugmug to present cosplay photo galleries and will post all photos there, with a link to each gallery in its own gallery article. This will allow us to give you higher resolution images to download — still for free.
To view the entire gallery, just click on the image below. If you are pictured in any of our galleries, feel free to download the images and use them non-commercially on social media, with appropriate credit.