On Photo And Safety Tips At Anime Boston With Photo Manager Serena Senecal

With Anime Boston 2024 happening this weekend at the Hynes Convention Center in downtown Boston, Nerd Caliber founder Manny interviewed Photography Manager Serena Senecal about some good ideas for safety at the convention both for cosplay photography and general attendees. In addition to safety, they touched on photography tips and ideas in general, and some things specific to cosplay photography.
Serena was my boss when I was on staff last year as Assistant Photo Manager. I was brought on in 2022 to run the department, which was Serena’s to manage, but she didn’t feel ready for the role just yet. After a successful 2022, we swapped roles, with her stepping up to Manager and me taking on the Assistant role that she held in 2022. Last year was again a successful event for the Photo Dept. and it was clear Serena was ready to take on the top role by herself, so I left staff to go back to the Community Row table where I’m most needed for Nerd Caliber.
This weekend if you are attending Anime Boston and see any of the staff photographers with their staff blue shirts and cameras around their necks, please say hello. And please respect their work as they do it since they have the very important job of recording what goes on each year. As Serena points out in the video, all photos taken by staff of attendees, panels and events are eventually posted to the AB website for everyone to enjoy. Don’t forget to check them out later on this Spring (editing the many thousands of photos the staff takes is not a quick job).
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