‘Overwatch’ Is Truly a Game to Watch For

Blizzard Entertainment has created some of the best games in the industry. There is no gamer who doesn’t know the games World of Warcraft or Diablo 3, and Starcraft 2 is a highly played game in the eSports industry. And with BlizzCon coming up in the next couple of weeks, I am more than excited to hear the news surrounding their next title, Overwatch.
From the moment I saw gameplay I was hooked. The art style reminds me of Team Fortress 2. Featuring squad-based combat with two opposing teams of six, the player takes control of several unique characters, all of which feature their own special skills and roles. You’ve got your standard roles such as offensive roles who are high speed and attack but low defense. The defensive class characters are meant to form choke points for enemies. Support gives buffs to teammates, and debuffs to enemies. And your tanks dish out the heavy damage with heavy armor to take the heavy hits in return.
As stated before, each character has unique skills — such as Tracer who is able to teleport short distances, Widowmaker who has a grappling hook allowing her to traverse maps easier than most, Torbjorn who can build turrets, and McCree who can go straight Red Dead Redemption mode striking multiple enemies with his “Deadeye” ability.
Using the individual strengths of these classes along with teamwork will be what wins the match. I love watching the demo gameplay of Overwatch and want to get my hands on it.
Luckily enough the beta is on the way, and though there is not a specific date for the release of this game yet, the beta will satisfy me for now. I personally cannot wait to see the cosplays of these characters popping up myself. I already have a Reaper costume ready for PAX East next year — he also happens to be the character I am most interested in.
I cannot wait to get my hands on this game and to all those going to BlizzCon, enjoy this amazing game as I am sure it will be playable there.