PAX East 2019 Friday Gallery Part 2 by FirstPerson Shooter

While the majority of cosplays at PAX East 2019 were characters from video games — it being a gaming convention after all — there were plenty of other types of fandoms represented. For example, in this gallery are a pair cosplaying Spider-Man and Black Cat from the latest Spider-Man game, but also a whole crowd of Spider-people, including a spot-on Spider-Ham.
Once noontime rolled around on Friday, the crowds began moving in and out of the con to get to the food trucks outside both the front entrance and the east side next to the park area known as The Lawn on D. Again, with good weather, cosplayers and photographers enjoyed getting out for natural light for photo shoots.
This year we have started a new way to present cosplay photo galleries. We have a Smugmug account and will post all photos there, with a link to each gallery in its own gallery article. This will allow us to save money on hosting storage, and give you higher resolution images to download — still for free.
Cosplayers in this second of four Friday galleries include Neocoolstar Cosplay, ribunbun, sagittary_studios, Vee Cosplay, expletivesandthread, radical.matthew, cavusdesigns, glichb, Boston Bee Cosplay, misanthrobotic, x.tikii, cixcbysix, Wonderllama Photography, makeupmermaidcosplay, kriptikfate, Floral Galaxy Cosplay, SBG Cosplay, Eldritch Arts, Guinness Cosplay, Kickgirl52, and many more.
To view the entire gallery, just click on the image below. If you are pictured in any of our galleries, feel free to download the images and use them non-commercially on social media, with appropriate credit.