Pokemon Cosplay Retrospective Gallery On Pokemon Day

While it isn’t any kind of an official holiday, today is Pokemon Day according to Nintendo. The date celebrates the release of the first Pokemon game, Pokemon Red and Green, on Feb. 27, 1986. And what better way for us to honor today than with a retrospective gallery of Pokemon cosplays I’ve photographed over the years.
Initially I pulled anything from the Pokemon games, the anime series and movies, and the astounding amount of custom-designed gijinka versions of Pokemon pocket monsters. But that gallery would have been more than 330 images in size, so I pulled out anything but Pokemon themselves. Unless an Ash or Misty or other trainer was with someone cosplaying as a Pokemon, all non-Pokemon characters from the enormous franchise got excised, bringing the gallery into the low 200s. And that was only after also removing many duplicate times I photographed the same cosplay by the same cosplayer.
So sadly, no solo Misty (or Mansty), no initial team of Ash, Brock and Misty, no Officer Jenny or Nurse Joy and none of the new trainers or team leaders from any of the more recent anime or games. But you can celebrate Pokemon Day by listening to one of the strangest things I could imagine, a Post Malone cover of the Hootie & the Blowfish song “Only Wanna Be With You,” recorded specifically for this 25th anniversary of the first Pokemon game’s release.
In any of these retrospectives, particularly the larger ones, you will see one or two cosplayers appear multiple times. But the queen of that in any fandom has to be Mink the Satyr Cosplay. She is in this gallery well more than a dozen times, each time with a custom-designed and hand made gijinka Pokemon cosplay. Sometimes it is a ball gown version, sometimes seriously silly costumes, sometimes a Belle Epoque strolling outfit that would be right at home in 1900 Paris.
Other cosplayers in this gallery include Jo Fate, savage83, nataliefuinha, hail_rosequartz, Bunny Moon Cosplay, WaterDragondesign, zimmermanjoe21, AssassinAni, Ryuu Lavitz, agalacticdonut, justsaiyancosplay, rainspelled, Nessie Cosplays, League of Larcy, hexed_ashes, Blue Electra Cosplay, Everyone’s Hero Cosplay, minnie_cosplays, s_noelle_cosplay, yolandaaaaa, Wolf Dreamer Cosplay, aemiliaaaaaa, FootiePajamasCosplay, katja_nya, Yuffiebunny, moogapproved, Lady Cels, riveth88, Blue Eyed Fairy Cosplay, greygoosery, Midge Scully, Atlantic Cosplay, Grinning Hazard Cosplay, zoevolf, daziraptor, Crystal Fox Cosplay, aerilaya, jaymcee__, and many, many more.
We now use Smugmug to present cosplay photo galleries and will post all photos there, with a link to each gallery in its own gallery article. This will allow us to give you higher resolution images to download — still for free.
To view the entire gallery, just click on the image below. If you are pictured in any of our galleries, feel free to download the images and use them non-commercially on social media, with appropriate credit.
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