Puerto Rico Relief Effort Launched By Keanu Reeves and NYCC

A powerhouse group made up of ReedPOP, Keanu Reaves, other filmmakers and more have launched an initiative to help give Puerto Rico immediate relief from the damage they sustained from Hurricane Irma and Maria.
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ReedPOP is calling upon New York Comic Con Fans to be the true heroes at this year’s show by donating to a newly created Puerto Rico relief effort. The campaign, in association with Keanu Reeves, Hollywood and Puerto Rican film makers, and CINE, launches today on the New York Comic Con page of the Cine.org website. There will also be a direct link in the header of the New York Comic Con site. The goal is to raise $200K for the immediate aid for those affected by Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico – including Vieques and Culebra.
The effort was spearheaded by Walter Josten of Blue Rider Films, Luillo Ruiz of Pimienta Films and Producers Jimmy Dodson and Luis Riefkohl because of their recent filming on location in Puerto Rico. These films include REPLICAS starring Keanu Reeves; IMPRISONED with Laurence Fishburne, Juan Pablo Raba, Juana Acosta, Edward James Olmos; CIGARETTE headlined by John Travolta; ANA featuring Andy Garcia, Dafne Keen, and Jeanne Tripplehorn; DRIVEN currently filming with Jason Sudeikis, Lee Pace, Corey Stoll, and Judy Greer; and PRIMAL with Nicolas Cage, which is committed to commencing production in October 2017.
Lance Fensterman, Global Head of ReedPOP, “New York Comic Con celebrates the fictional heroes that entertain and amaze us in film, tv and comics, but this is a time for all of us to step up and follow in the image of those heroes we adore. It’s time for us to act and lend a helping hand to those affected by this devastating tragedy.”
This press release was written by the fine people at DKC News.