Queen’s Blade Attacks DragonCon!

At this year’s DragonCon, a handful of amazingly talented cosplayers got together as various characters from the quite racy action anime Queen’s Blade. The costumes were daring, but also spot on accurate and well crafted. I was lucky enough to glom on to the shoot (thanks Benn Robbins!)
The lineup was: Abby Dark-Star as Claudette, Stella Chuu as Irma, Hydra as Menace and Kapalaka as Annelotte, the star of the sequel, Queen’s Blade Rebellion.
If you still have the energy after you have looked through these shots, check out Bentpic5‘s DragonCon galleries from Thursday and Friday, as well as Saturday and Sunday, and also mine from Thursday, the first part from Friday and the second part of Friday. Part one of my shots from Saturday is here and part two is here, with Sunday here.