Sci-fi Authors Sharon Lee and Steve Miller win Skylark Award

Maine writers Sharon Lee and Steve Miller received the 2012 Edward E. Smith Memorial Award for Imaginative Fiction — popularly called the Skylark Award — Saturday, February 18 at Boskone 49. Known for their Liaden Universe® fiction, Lee and Miller have been active in the SF community for decades, with frequent Guest of Honor and Special Guest appearances as well as stints as publishers, book dealers, art agents, panelists, committee members, and gophers.
Presented by the New England Science Fiction Association at the annual regional science fiction convention, Boskone, the Skylark is presented to some person, who, in the opinion of the membership, has contributed significantly to science fiction, both through work in the field and by exemplifying the personal qualities which made the late “Doc” Smith well-loved by those who knew him. The Skylark has gone to many major figures in the field, including Sir Terry Pratchett, George RR Martin, Anne McCaffrey, Jane Yolen, and Isaac Asimov, as well as traveling fandom’s own Jack Chalker.
Present at this year’s award ceremony at the Boston Westin Waterfront was 1990 Skylark recipient Jane Yolen, who gave an animated presentation on the care and feeding of the award.
Steve Miller was Vice Chair of the Baltimore in 80 WorldCon bid as well as Curator of Science Fiction for the UMBC SF Research Collection. Sharon Lee is the former Executive Director, Vice President and President of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America, the only person to have held all three of those positions.
The New England Science Fiction Association was founded in 1967. In addition to the annual New England Regional Convention, Boskone, the non-profit organization also runs NESFA Press.