Send In The Clones With ‘So Many Me’

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Today we get a taste of how it would feel to have endless clones of yourself around to get things done — with So Many Me!
There is an unknown evil in the world that threatens all. Filo was minding his own business when he was unwillingly dragged into the fight! With the guidance of an odd old man spirit thing, Filo uses his powers of creating and controlling clones of himself to save the world!
So Many Me is a delicious blend of puzzle-solving, platforming and resource management. You collect additional clones of yourself throughout a chapter. These clones (or “Me”) can take many shapes and traits, all of which are vital to progress through each stage and collect various artifacts.

Each clone you find has its own name and reflect a part of Filo’s personality. On top of that, you can collect a whole bunch of character skins that you can assign individually, so your party is as diverse as you want it to be!
Your first and default skill is to transform a Me into a block. This block remains wherever you transform, and your other Me will gravitate and stand on it from any angle. At the press of a button, you can revert your Me back to normal. This sets up the fundamental mechanic for the game – you can continue to transform all but your last Me, and they change back in reverse order.
As you progress through levels, more abilities will be taught or provided. You can absorb a red bubble that will turn you into a rubbery glob that you can use as a trampoline or to deflect projectiles. You can make a squeaky (and adorable) Godzilla-like suit that can swing its tail and jump twice as high! Levels are also equipped with baddies you can jump on, teleporters and fruits that all serve to give you a challenging puzzle experience. Each chapter even ends with a boss fight!

The game felt a little straightforward throughout most of the first chapter, but that opinion melted away in an instant after reaching the home base for the first time. Chapter 2, as well as the bonus challenges you can find, has a steep difficulty curve (at least for me — I quickly had areas that I would stare at for minutes without an answer). With each stage offering a new combination of mechanics or completely new ones, I can see So Many Me racking my brain for hours!
So Many Me is available on all PC platforms – and even Ouya!